Juniors: Dosbarth Miss Wiiliams

The children have had a very busy week this week. We have been learning about what is harmful to our bodies in Health and Well-being, and after learning lots we have made some short videos to share with our friends in Reception Class. Miss Edwards is looking forward to us showing her children, and working with them again. The children have really enjoyed coding a micro: bit to a scrolling message. Their IT knowledge and understanding  always blows me away ! Da iawn pawb. In Maths, we have finished our topic of fractions and will move on to work on decimals next week.  I hope you have a lovely bank holiday weekend and that the sun will shine for us ! I look forward to seeing the children on Tuesday. However, a few Year 6 children have had letters informing you that they will be attending YBA for the day. I hope they have a great day! Miss J Williams