We started this week by talking about ‘special’ things and we had to decide what special things we would put inside our pyramids – the children gave us some brilliant responses!  We are really enjoying learning about the Ancient Egyptians and we looked at some beautiful examples of the jewellery they wore.  We then made some jewellery of our own which was even more amazing!

I am so proud of these little Darlings for how well they are doing learning their ‘Super Speedy Sounds’ – Da Iawn Pawb! 😊

In Maths we focused primarily on exploring Pattern – we found Patterns everywhere, on walls, carpets, clothes, animals and outside in Nature.  We will be continuing with Pattern next week so I would really appreciate it if you would go on a ‘Pattern Hunt’ at home – the children are so good identifying the different Patterns and describing them.

Today we made some cards and a little gift for our lovely Mums and we talked about all the amazing jobs that ‘Mummy’ does.  I hope you are all reminded just how awesome and loved you Mums are  – and wish you all a very special ‘Mother’s Day’ for Sunday!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

See you all on Monday!


Ms.Primrose xxxx