Juniors: Dosbarth Miss Williams

Another fabulous week of learning this week; I am thrilled with all of the children. They are continuing to enjoy learning about the country of Greece. This week we have been looking at the earth’s physical processes and how they have an impact on people living in Greece and Wales. We have looked at why we think the population in Athens has continually declined over the last 10 years.  I was very impressed with the work the children completed about the Greek Gods with Mrs Reay on Wednesday afternoon.  Year 5s enjoyed taking part in some maths activities and games whilst the Year 6s attended a fabulous Humanities lesson in Ysgol Bryn Alyn yesterday. Our Welsh learning has been exceptional this week – ardderchog pawb! Keep up the great work. Have a lovely weekend. I look forward to our final week next week, before we break up for half term. Miss J Williams xx