Juniors: Dosbarth Miss Lloyd

We have had a lovely week in Dosbarth Miss Lloyd! The children have been so well behaved and have been excellent Talking Partners with each other – keep this up, children!

This week we have covered a lot – in our My Happy Mind sessions, we’ve focussed on our character strengths and have been celebrating how we are all unique. We have been looking at persuasive techniques in our Literacy lessons, ready to complete our Persuasive Poster ‘Hot Task’ next week. In Maths, we have spent most of the week focussing on bar charts, and today we had such an enjoyable lesson, graphing the colours in a tube of Smarties. Yesterday, we collaborated with the Year 5 children in Dosbarth Mrs Wilkes & Dosbarth Miss Williams and to complete a round robin of revision activities in the form of different Maths games. Our Topic lessons have been full of interesting and insightful discussions, as we have been exploring the population of Norway’s capital city, Oslo, and have tried to understand the trends in the increasing population – the children particularly impressed me with their ability to see both sides of an argument, da iawn pawb! Continuing our focus on Norway in our Welsh lessons, we have been describing the weather in the different regions in both present and past tense.

I’m looking forward to another week like this next week!

Miss Lloyd x